Victorian Gothic Round Doily Lurve

So since I started crocheting I have been obsessed with this pattern called “Splendid” by Patricia Kristoffersen. The photos I saw of completed pieces made me drool but it seemed almost impossible get my hands on the pattern. After months of searching online I finally found the pattern and got to work. I was a little apprehensive because the pattern was written out and normally I like to follow diagrams but I was so in love with what the end product looked like that I powered on through.

Check. It. Out.


This baby is gorgeous. The detail is so freaking intricate and gives the doily a nice texture and 3D style.


The black colour really makes it stand out too and gives it that Victorian Gothic feel. Which I think would work nicely with any pastel colours to give it a bit of a modern tinge. For example:

Victorian Gothic Style sheet2

It’d also just look good with subdued, more natural colours.

Victorian Gothic Style sheet1

It’s about 33cm across and is made using 100% cotton yarn. (Credit: Pattern Design by Patricia Kristofferson)